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Member Resources

This section contains more detailed files for the units of the 17th Airborne. We are interested in expanding our archive as much as we can, so if you have records or documents you would like to contribute, please send us an email


These records are in PDF file format, which requires Adobe Reader software (or similar) to view.  If you don't have PDF viewer software on your computer, you can download Adobe Reader for free here.


Our records archive has been collected and organized by members of our organization, on their own time and at their own expense, from the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.  While it is our wish that the information contained on these Member Resource pages be shared and studied, we are also cognizant of the sensitivity of that information, and of avoiding "data mining" or use of this information in anything but a private or personal context.  For these reasons, the Member pages are restricted to dues-paying members of the

Scions of the 17th Airborne.


If you are not eligible for Scions membership but are in need of research help, please let us know and we will do our best to assist you. 


To view these records each Scion must register with the site adminstrator, and it may take 1-2 days for your membership to go through.  For information on becoming a Scion, please see our About/Contact page, or send us an email.  


17th Airborne Division

Division Headquarters Company

17th Airborne Parachute Maint. Company


193rd Glider Infantry Regiment


194th Glider Infantry Regiment


224th Airborne Medical Company


411th Airborne Quartermaster Company


507th Parachute Infantry Regiment


513th Parachute Infantry Regiment


517th Airborne Signal Company


680th Glider Field Artillery Battalion


681st Glider Field Artillery Battalion


464th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion


466th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion


155th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion


139th Airborne Engineer Company


717th Airborne Ordnance Company


Division Band


Military Police Platoon


Recon Platoon



389th Quartermaster Company (attached)


550th Airborne Infantry Battalion (attached)



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