193rd Glider Infantry Regiment

17th Airborne Parachute Maint. Company
139th Airborne Engineer Company
155th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion
193rd Glider Infantry Regiment
194th Glider Infantry Regiment
224th Airborne Medical Company
411th Airborne Quartermaster Company
464th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
466th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
507th Parachute Infantry Regiment
513th Parachute Infantry Regiment
517th Airborne Signal Company
680th Glider Field Artillery Battalion
681st Glider Field Artillery Battalion
717th Airborne Ordnance Company
Division Band
Military Police Platoon
Recon Platoon
389th Quartermaster Company (attached)
550th Infantry Airborne Battalion (attached)
The 17th Airborne Division was activated 15 April 1943 at Camp Mackall, North Carolina. The 193rd was constituted on 16 December 1942 and activated on 15 April as a core unit of the 17th Airborne. After completing basic training, specialist training, and a variety of training maneuvers, the unit left with the Division for England on 20 August, 1944.
When the 193rd arrived in England, the Regiment was sent to Camp Chisledon, the 17th Airborne Division staging area, on 28 August, 1944. Flight and tactical training continued and night maneuvers were added to the training schedule.
As part of the Division, the 193rd engaged in the Ardennes and Rhineland Campaigns. The Regiment remained in France until 27 January 1945 when it moved to Luxembourg as part of the Rhineland Campaign. On 17 February, commanding officer Col. Maurice G. Stubbs announced that the Regiment would be disbanded and absorbed by other units within the 17th Airborne Division. The next two weeks were spent on reorganization and transfers, and on 1 March 1945, the 193rd was disbanded, as part of a Divisional reorganization. All remaining members of the unit were absorbed into the 194th.